Create more content than you consume

I’m lost at sea. You know how mums can feel like they’ve lost themselves in being a mum? They find themselves without an identity of their own, no hobbies or passions outside of motherhood. I feel like that minus the motherhood.

I have no excuses. I’ve just let work have the best of me, and Netflix take the rest of me. I’m too exhausted to do anything just for me. So I consume content. I consume more content than I create. Correction, I BINGE more content than I create.

I try to keep it high vibe, inspirational content, only occasionally falling down a Kardashian hole. But it’s still not healthy to take in so much information without taking the time to digest before starting the next video, podcast or audio book. 

Over stimulated. Addicted. Numb. 

I’m reminded of my very first blog post, ‘Chase not the comfort of dissatisfaction and choose the satisfaction of discomfort’. It’s time to sit with the feelings that are easier to numb. It’s time to remember boredom. Boredom is where creativity is born. 

I choose life, creative life please. So let the digital detox begin… 


The price of creativity


21 Days to Creative Freedom