The One Mistake You're Making With Your Creative Ideas That's Draining You
Imagine a world where you had sex every day. Now imagine that every time you have sex, you make a baby. If you don’t have a womb, let’s imagine for a moment that you do, a fertile one at that. In this hypothetical world, if you were pregnant with one baby, the next day you become pregnant with two. Each day a new baby enters the equation. By the time the first babe is born, your womb is full with 270 other babies, all at different stages of gestation. Everyday you: have sex, give birth, and care for your growing family, whose headcount is increasing by 365 every year. Try to imagine it.
How to stop burnout - the unexpected solution (it’s not more self-care).
Women’s hormone levels are very different, they rise and fall according to where they are in their 28 day cycle. We need different hormones to menstruate and a very different hormone cocktail to ovulate. Like the moon, sometimes we’re full of energy and other times our light fades. We are designed to be reflective and still in the week that we bleed, then a powerhouse of energy the week we ovulate, an abundant nurturer the week after we ovulate and then more reclusive or nurtured in a premenstrual week.
3 questions to calm your farm
Did you know that ‘triage’ is a French word that means to sort or categorise into three groups? When you walk into a hospital emergency room a Triage Nurse will categorise you by severity: high, medium or low. With a few simple questions they swiftly turn chaos into order. Today ma chérie, we will do the same. We will create order in a chaotic mind by learning how to Triage Your Worries! It’s ridiculously easy and unbelievably powerful. Are you ready?
Change Management: 5 ways to support yourself in the process of change
Many people, I’m raising my hand, hit this point of discomfort in the middle of the process and see it as an inconvenient obstacle rather than the gift it is. Opening ourselves up to feel is the invitation into the backend of our autopilot programming, where we can make edits and change our programming, swapping unhealthy patterns for empowering ones.
5 Things to know before you start innovating
The disruption is real. Innovation is our way to stop being a victim to disruption and take the opportunities hiding in the chaos. Money doesn’t just evaporate during a recession, it merely changes hands, so this crazy time we’re living in is rich with opportunities. Before you jump into innovation and make the common mistakes, here are 5 things you need to know before you begin.
Dangerously Safe: the risk *is* the reward
I was saying a prayer to my Powerballl ticket a minute ago. I was promising good deeds, assuring the lottery gods that my heart was pure and worthy of its jackpot. Then I thought - what would really change if I had all those zeros in my back account? Would that cash give me the guts to make gutsy money moves? Hm
Self-compassion: what’s coming up for you?
With self compassion there’s no forced positivity. There’s no self pity either. It’s an honest place where pain isn’t weakness and aggression isn’t strength. No matter how low you feel or how slow you move, that’s okay, that’s not defeat.
You can crawl, you can saunter, you can fumble or you can flow your way towards the discomfort. You don’t have to fight it. It’s as simple as standing still in the uncomfortable truth when you’d rather retreat.
Barriers to entry and the secret key to getting started
There’s a place for discipline and stretching towards excellence - but that place is not at the beginning. My favourite things to say in my creative work are “This may be a silly question but..” or “I’ll lean on your expertise on this, would you suggest…?” or the ultimate invitation “let’s have a crack!” Owning your clumsiness gives you the freedom to play. And play unlocks the door confidence and creativity.
The thing about resilience
The word resilience comes from the latin ‘resilire’ meaning to spring back. The point of this practice is not to be a perfect friend to failure. Losing faith along the way is part of the process, it’s the springing back that matters most.
It’s the springing back that strengthens your resilience muscles, and builds your creative confidence. The more you do it, the easier it will become and the gaps between falling and springing will become shorter too. To the point were it may almost looks graceful!
But you can’t practice springing back if you don’t fall down. Falling down is normal, inevitable and crucial. We will always fall from grace, the aim is to know you can show up for yourself even when you’re down.
If you’re feeling down and out, let it be temporary.
Does that Resonate?
If it re-sounds what already feels true in your body, trust that re-sounding feeling and ditch the rest.
The struggle is real-ly important
We all know that you have to crawl before you can walk. It’s in the crawling that we strengthen our muscles, by making mistakes we learn about movement and gravity, testing the ideas needed in order to walk. Discomfort is not something that happens to the unlucky few, it’s an essential part of everyone’s life. It’s part of our personal evolution. But we don’t recongise the struggle for what it is. It’s like we’re looking for the path thinking ‘this isn’t right look at all the discomfort blocking the way’. But the discomfort is the way, the blessing not the curse. The problem is that our lives are so easy they’ve it made us fucking fragile. We have no tolerance for discomfort because we’ve never tasted it.
Avoid this trap: the pity line
The Pity Line doesn’t have any stops, or go anywhere, it is what you call a vicious cycle. A never ending loop of grey clouds and ‘why me’ thoughts. Even if you’re seeking wisdom, right action or peace of mind - the Pity Line won’t take you there. It’s a trap we fall into, hoping that if we focus on what we don’t want we’ll somehow find what we do. But the mind doesn’t work like that. What we focus on our mind will find more of, so self pity is really just another word for self sabotage.
How to master ‘the how’
Creative work that’s created in stress is never as good as work that’s created in ease. We’re not as likely to champion the ‘stress work’, the way we promote the piece with the feel-good-creation-story. So, for creative people who need to self promote to survive (all of us), mastering ‘the how’ is an important lesson to learn. But how?
She’s a real piece of work in progress
When the fear appears, don’t react. Just listen, smile and nod. It will show you something or it will transform itself into something lighter and float away. The stumbling block is when we fear the fear, we panic and try so suppress or ignore it.
You gotta play your way
Trying to figure out exactly where you’re going and every measured step to take along the way may seem like a grown up thing to do. But it’s a recipe for disaster. Play is the stuff of romance, of creativity, of learning. Don’t take life so seriously, don’t take yourself so seriously - that was the lesson, the gift from the sea.
Shadow work: why you’re anxious and how to let go
What drives this shadow behaviour? Underneath these controlling behaviours is a belief that we are inherently unsafe and under threat. When we are living under this presumption we are always armoured up and fighting our way through life. A draining game to play, but we do play because it feels good to be prepared for the worst case scenario.
Be Both
Without an internal guidance system your psyche has to start looking outside of itself for direction, for permission and validation. Luckily it doesn’t have to look far, the media floods it with images and messaging. Social media sets the bar: curated, filtered, perfection.
You’re driven, you chase the shiny facades that other people portray. You run further and further away from yourself. And when you succeed you wonder why it feels so empty. That’s the thing about facades, comparing your insides to other people’s outsides - it’s not real. It’s not human.
Mental Health Scare
Please be careful not to romanticise the tortured artist narrative. This toxic stereotype is stoping creative people from accessing the mental health care they need and deserve.
What ever your dream is, the most important thing you have to do to get is to trust in yourself, your abilities, your work, your talent, your resilience. And make the leap. It’s supposed to be scary, almost as scary as living a life of regret and never knowing what would have happened if you went for your dreams.