Keep Going

A new year. Time to reflect on the last lap around the sun. Time to ask myself what went well and what didn’t? When I zoom out on the year I had I see that everything great that happened was born out of something terrible, hard or painful. The shit things lead me to amazing things, without fail.

I find myself now at what feels like a peak. Great healing has happened in the past month, a seemingly small act of going to a self defense course has ignited a fire of strength inside me. But it wasn’t the tiny act that healed me, it was the sum of the tiny acts that came before it. I think back to points in this journey where I cursed myself for being a baby and moving too slowly. But now I see those baby steps were pivotal.

‘Keep going!’ I call down to the valley. From the peak I send encouragement to my past self that wanted to give up, or to others that are out there unsure if they can take another step, and to my future self - because the only way from here is down. I will be making the climb again soon enough. 

‘No step is too small, rest when you feel like stopping, but never give up on yourself - keep going.’

Deep breath. I take a moment to breathe in this space, to savour it before the weather turns. In the peace and tranquility I hear a faint echo. ‘Keep going…’ Hang on, that’s my voice and it’s coming from above. What if, this isn’t the top? What if I’ve fooled myself that this is as good as it gets for me. What if there’s more?

The answer is immediate. This is a familiar level of success, this is my comfort zone. It’s a level I feel I deserve. Of course there are people who climb higher, to better health, wealth and happiness. But I assumed they were, you know, more special or deserving. I never questioned why I wasn’t invited to those levels.

The truth is I am, you are, we are all invited to unlimited success, optimal vitality, endless abundance in all areas of of our life. Something tells me it’s not going to be an easy or steady climb, we will tumble and fall as we head for an ever increasing summit. But don’t stop now because you’re comfortable. Ask for more. Realise you deserve it.

Why not me?

Your Friend,



Crisis of Confidence


Girl on Fire: 5 easy strategies to avoid burnout